A house party is a small gathering which allows a great opportunity for Brandy to meet members of the community to discuss County Court at Law #1 and her unique qualifications to serve as your next judge.
She would be honored to have your support in this way.
Email Brandy below to set up a party.
There are many ways to volunteer to help Brandy get elected.
*Host a small gathering/house party
*Help Brandy with her grassroots campaign by walking neighborhoods
*Put a campaign sign in your yard
*Get two supporters for Brandy's campaign
Email Brandy below on how you want to help her become your next judge.
Thank you for your interest in donating to Brandy Hallford’s Campaign. We appreciate your support.
If you would like to pay by check, please make it out to “Brandy Hallford Campaign” P.O. Box 1108, Round Rock, Texas 78680.
*No corporate checks, please.
*Please include the following information (required by the Texas Ethics Commission for reporting purposes): Name, Principal Occupation, Employer, If member of a law firm, name of law firm.
Join the Brandy Hallford Campaign
Brandy Hallford Campaign P.O. Box 1108
Round Rock, Tx 78680
Tel: 512-542-4247